Take Action, Demand Answers
Tell Your Members...Avoid/Boycott Liberty Mutual Insurance
Please click on the link below to send a protest email letter to Liberty Mutual's $20 million-a-year CEO David Long! A copy will automatically be forwarded to us.
Click Image to Download Flyer
Anyone ripped off by Liberty Mutual, and others concerned about Liberty Mutual's contempt for its policyholders and accident victims, may download and print the leaflet below and contact us on how to obtain the 4 x 8 foot accompanying banner to use in protests at Liberty Mutual locations across the country.
Click Images to Download Printable Banners
Help Us Challenge Pizza Hut's Owners at Yum! Brands Annual Meeting of Shareholders
If you own stock in Yum! Brands and do not plan to attend its Annual Meeting of Shareowners in May 2018, please assign your stock proxy to us.
Yum! Brands is the owner of Pizza Hut. The injury, pain and ongoing trauma Cheryl Harris continues to suffer are clearly due to the negligence of Pizza Hut and only exacerbated by the shoddy treatment she is receiving from Yum! Brands/Pizza Hut and its insurer Liberty Mutual. Ms. Harris' ongoing saga for justice shows how poorly these companies and their insurer treat customers seriously injured due to their negligence. Employees of these companies also receive shoddy, unfair treatment.
According to a ground breaking report by the UC Berkely Labor Center entitled, "Fast Food, Poverty Wages: The Public Cost of Low-Wage Jobs in the Fast-Food Industry," the fast-food industry has the most extreme pay disparity of all sectors in the U.S. economy with CEO-to-worker pay ratio exceeding 1000 to 1.
Yum! Brands CEO Greg Creed was Pizza Hut's CEO when my tragic accident occurred. His 2016 compensation was $15.4 million and he owns 551,208 shares of Yum! Brands stock valued at more than $43 million on November 24, 2017.
The report also points out that 52% of fast food workers are enrolled in, or have their families enrolled in, public assistance programs such as the food stamp program SNAP. The cost of public assistance to families of workers in the fast-food industry, is nearly $7 billion per year. Taxpayers, in effect, are subsidizing these multi-billion dollar companies and their multimillionaire executives that treat workers and personal injury victims due to their negligence shoddily.
Help us raise these issues at Yum! Brands' annual meeting in May 2019. If you or your organization own stock in Yum! Brands and do not plan to attend the annual meeting, we ask that you assign your stock proxy so someone supporting justice for Cheryl and justice for Yum's exploited workers can attend.
Please contact us at:
Justice for Cheryl Harris Campaign